As well as supporting our customers with a huge range of sustainable solutions, we are totally committed to reducing our own environmental impact through a range of initiatives. These include:

  • Battery and equipment recycling – we have fully equipped workshops for recycling/refurbishing equipment.  We currently recycle 100% batteries, 84% of returned parts and equipment, and 48% of parts and equipment are returned to the field.
  • Electric vehicles – we are currently transitioning to electric vehicles and are installing electric charging points at all our locations.
  • Annual carbon footprint analysis – understanding how we can improve our business operations to further reduce our Carbon footprint, and we have a detailed strategy in place to be Net Zero by 2050.
Image of globe in hands with grass background


Switching from traditional manual cleaning machines to autonomous equipment not only saves up to 1,628 hours of cleaning time per year, it can also save up to 139,412 litres of water annually compared to a traditional scrubber dryer. That’s equivalent to almost 1,000 baths!

Using Co-Botics equipment in collaboration with your cleaning teams supports staff welfare and aids the current employment crisis. The machines also produce detailed data which provides proof of area cleaned, which can be useful for insurance or liability purposes, and is ideal for high-risk environments.

ICE Robotic machine cleaning alongside a living plant wall

ICE Sustainable Solutions

ICE SmartCall

This video calling technology enables onsite operatives to instantly connect with an ICE Technician who guides them through steps to diagnose and fix simple equipment issues without the need to send an engineer to site.

This interactive service saves the equivalent of 7 Field Engineers, which in turn results in a massive 57.4 tonnes of carbon saved per year.

Chemical Free Cleaning

We offer chemical-free cleaning products within our ICE AquaSmart range. These are powerful Aqueous Ozone cleaning and sanitising solutions perfect for any cleaning application or sector.

Installing an ICE AquaSmart unit onsite means that you will dramatically reduce chemical usage, consumption of single-use plastics, & your overall environmental impact.

Equipment Telemetry

Equipment technology is becoming increasingly important in the market, and we have seen a rise in demand for machines with in-built technology that make cleaning more intelligent, interactive and easy.

It is also possible to set water flow, suction levels, pad/brush pressure and speed for different flooring types or zones within one site.